Guide to create a winning strategy for Campaigns during Ramadan 2022

With Ramadan being just a few days away, advertisers around the world are planning to make a big impact. Celebrated as the first major Post-covid festive season, this Year’s Ramadan looks more important than ever. Many advertisers have already started their quest to find the right audience and target them in the most effective ways.
Ramadan is second to Christmas and New Year as the most celebrated festival so this also comes as an opportunity to use an increase in consumerism and tap into the audience in your favor. During the season, marketers should make all the right moves to turn this high volume positive user trend in their favor, but should also avoid spending too much on bad strategies that can create a big hole in the pocket.
We at Xapads have penned down the strategies that can help your Market Plan shine beyond and can create the brand value and presence that they aim for.
Consumer Behaviour
The most important part of your Marketing Plan starts from knowing your Consumer Behaviour, by understanding the pattern and buying habits during or pre-Ramadan season so you can build a media strategy that can establish a special connection with your desired audience. You need a stack that can build and target audience data and bring the results that can drive sales in one of the busiest festive seasons around the world.
This is also the best time to re-target your current user base and offer them festive deals to engage them further and increase brand recall.
Connect with the right message
What pushes the User to buy your product? The simple answer is Creatives that can build Story. Creatives have to be developed specifically for Ramadan and the period around with a special story build-up that showcases the product as part of the audience’s life routines.
Ramadan is a time with high emotions and religious sentiments at their peak thus it is one of the best times to create a bond with your audience with the right message and approach. Make your Creative and Placements play an important role in conveying your message to your audience and creating a brand presence that can last long.
Plan your Inventory
Are you making most of your Premium Ad Placement and Inventory? If not, you don’t know what you are missing. Planning your inventory and sources during festive seasons can assure brand visibility and achieve ROAS and ROI but at the same time if done wrong this can drain your spending quickly.
Which are the most anticipated Inventory options this Ramadan?
- Video Pre-roll – There is an easy way to connect with your audience via Video creatives and placements. It allows you to sell your story in 15 seconds but leave them with a long-lasting impact, which has been replicating the success of TV Advertising in its own way.
- OEM Icon Placement – This is one of the high churning sources that can bring a huge audience and keep the sanity of your brand. With the power of OEM, you can tap into the alternative of Google Play users and give a great push to your user base in the Festive season.
- OEM Splash – Splash in recent times has earned the reputation of being the most engaging placement. Special efforts and creativity should be put into designing an effective splash screen that can catch the attention and create a welcome message for the user.
- Rich Media placements – Engage with your audience and experiment with the intriguing rich media placements and treat your user with some experimental yet engaging content.
Mobile 1st Approach
Mobile advertising has become center stage in the marketing world since people are spending more time on Phones and this takes a further surge during Ramadan time. With so many channels to reach your target audience on Mobile, with Short video apps, Gaming, push notifications, OEMs, and Native placements there is always a better way to increase your ad spend.
In this Mobile 1st Phase, having a mobile application for your eCommerce store is a must, as that not only increase your reach among young audiences but also help you retain the majority of your user. Mobile Applications backed with MMPs can provide you more insights into user’s flow, and buying patterns in a more data-centric way, which allows Advertisers to build a place that keeps users 1st.
Measure the Success of your campaign strategy
During the festive season, it is far more important to measure the performance of the campaign at regular intervals, for first it saves the huge spent loss, second it helps you with making the most out of your festive season window. One must invest in the system or Ad-tech where they can check the performance grouped by various factors like Source, Creative, Region, Income, and other demographics.
Losing an opportunity to build a narrative in the festive season could be far worse than just losing money in bad strategic campaign execution, there is always a need to closely monitor the effectiveness and reach of your campaign as the plan.
We at Xapads are ready to take your brand to all new heights and recognition with our Ad-tech stack, With first and third-party data, use of the latest technology, and Years of experience we can Plan, Build, and Execute your Ramadan Campaign in the most successful way ever.