Advantages of AI in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing has evolved a lot over the past decade, what used to be a basic media buy between Brand and Website have changed to Programmatic, PMP Deals, Real Time Auctions, and Multi-Level Fraud Checks, all thanks to the exponential rise in the technology.
It is the only fully measurable medium of Advertising and because of this Digital Marketing is fuelling the Brands to reach out to Long Tail Publishers / Websites instead of just targeting on the tier 1 websites. Today more than exposure on Tier 1 websites or Apps, it’s more about the performance and ROI from the ad spent.
These Tier 1 websites have a lot higher shelf rates, as compared to the Tier 2 & Tier 3 websites, but its eventually the same userbase visiting both the sites, so the best case scenario that popped out is to target the users instead of blindly spending the money and hoping for a miraculous ROI.
Here comes the role of Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning in Digital Marketing. Coupled with the first & third party data, the advertisement technology platforms are going smart by effectively targeting the users on a broad horizon of sites instead of just tier 1.
The target ROI is filled into the system while the campaign setup, the AI algorithms judges the best users to target for the campaign automatically and show the targeted ads to them. In the duration of the campaign, the system keeps on learning and optimizing the right audiences for the campaigns, wherever they are available and hence generating the higher ROI on the ad spent.
Usage of AI is win-win for all the stakeholders, as it helps the Publishers to push the yield and CPMs, as the ads are more targeted and incentivize the websites with a higher quality of users. It helps the brands to spend less but more targeted and hence higher ROI for them. The technology platforms, are also able to map the right ad to the right user and hence the better UX to the users.
The tech and specifically the AI part is very difficult to build, let again to master, so there’s hardly a handful of ad-tech platforms built around this, but they definitely stand out.
Xapads is one of the very few companies, who have spent millions of dollars in the R&D of Advertisement Technology, mastering the AI / ML piece in our full stack ad-tech platform, powering the brands & the publishers with the next-gen technology.