Branding vs. Performance in online advertising

Online advertising has seen many trends delivering promising results in the past few years and has even been able to blend well with offline and traditional marketing trends. While introducing a brand in the market, the prime focus of the company is to connect with the people as it is the first step towards building a relationship and eventually a loyal customer base. This is where we begin discussing the role of branding.
Branding is essentially fuelled by performance centred campaigns so what should a company really focus on? Let’s find that out by understanding more about Branding and Performance.
A brand is a sum of everything a company stands for and its ideas are put forth with the use of marketing copy, interaction campaigns and how people choose to react to them. The techniques and strategies through which it achieved (advertising) is known to be branding.
Performance focuses on numbers and engagement largely and while it is not the primary focus, numbers do play a key role in determining performance. There are several tools that help understand performance of online advertisements. Since there was no numerical data available till a few decades ago, performance marketing management systems have changed the game for good.
Branding vs Performance
Once the company is clear on its brand position, they can decide the course and strategize their campaigns accordingly. Brand marketing has kind of taken a backseat in many upcoming businesses as budget constraints do not allow the brand to invest a large sum in sustaining the brand name alone.
This problem is solved by focusing on performance-based advertising. Once the brand has set its foot in the market, they can take on the challenges of developing a brand name which requires different strategies as compared to performance. A smart marketer understands that Branding and Performance.
Advertising goes hand in hand, and it is important to strike the right balance between the two.
In order to achieve that marketers working with one brand have now started to come up with combined strategic planning and align their vision and ideas so that a uniformity is seen in the campaigns and this affects the trust of customers on the brand.